"Extended Gravity"#6, 2022, stof, stentøj, 220x70x78 cm.
Detalje af "Extended Gravity"#6
"Extended Gravity"#4, 2022, stof, stentøj, 130x68x27 cm.
Detalje "Extended Gravity"#4
"Extended Gravity" #11, 2022, stof, stentøj, 155x64x25 cm.
"Extended Gravity" #10, stentøj og snor, 100x21x20 cm.
"Extended Gravity" #7, 2022, stof, træplade, stentøj, 70x30x21 cm.
"Extended Gravity" #8, 2022, stof, træplade, stentøj, 61x61x28 cm.
"Extended Gravity"#12, 2022, stof, keramik, træplade, 35x25x10 cm.
"Extended Gravity"#13, 2022, stof, stentøj, skiferplade, 35x15x14 cm.
"Extended Gravity" #9, 2022, stof, stentøj, betonplade, 80x46x22 cm.
"Extended Gravity" #1 2021, stof, stentøj, 220x260x130 cm
Detalje af installationen "Extended Gravity"#1 fra udstillingen View21
"Extended_Gravity"#5,2022, stof, stentøj, 170x186x16 cm.
You can't fall without gravity #18
Stoneware/textile, 2x2m2020
"Captured Matter" #7, 2022, stentøj, 20x45x25 cm.
"Captured Matter" #6, 2021, stentøj, 10x38x12 cm.
"Captured Matter" #5, 2021 stentøj, 44x30x24 cm.
"Captured Matter" #2, 2021, stentøj, 50x23x23 cm.
"Captured Matter" #1, 2021, stentøj, 44x24x31 cm.
"Captured Matter" "3, 2021, stentøj, 44x24x31 cm.
"Captured Matter" #4, 2021, stentøj, 48x21x23 cm.
"Upon Ruins" #1, 2021, stentøj, 38x27x 26 cm.
Kirsten Kjærs Museum 2021
You can't fall without gravity #16
Stoneware/textile, 2m2021
You can't fall without gravity #15
Materia Prima
Stoneware/strings, 1x1m2020
Materia Prima #1
Stoneware, Ø902020
Cluster One #3 and #4
You can't fall without gravity #1, #2 and #3
Wall piece, stoneware2020
Ground zero
Wall piece, stoneware/acrylic, 40x40cm2020
Primordial soup #15 and #16
Stoneware KS 202020
Primordial soup #18
Stoneware, heigth 52 cm2020
Primordial soup #17 and #18
Stoneware, height 50cm2020
Primordial soup #10
Primordial soup #11
Primordial Soup I
20 x 48 x 24 cm2019
Primordial Soup II
45 x 17 x 19 cm2019
Cluster One #1 and #2
Primordial Soup III
32 x 16 x 17 cm2019
Primordial Soup IV
30 x 17 x 16 cm2019
Primordial Soup V
34 x 18 x 17 cm2019
Installation view
Stoneware sculptures2020
Nesting I
Lifeform I
Lifeform II
Assimilation I
Matter of Nessity I
Rehumanize Yourself I
Rehumanize Yourself II
Rehumanize Yourself III
Rehumanize Yourself IV
The Messengers
The Globalizer
Copyright © 2019 Lenewinther